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04/09/2013 16:15To Leave Army Two local young men Richard Royer Kookogey son of Mr and Mrs J R Kookogey dan uggla hitting streak and Donald Angus MacDon ald son of Mrs Martha MacDonald who went to Erie Tuesday for ation were accepted for the Army and will leave for New Cumberland dan uggla braves jersey August William Franklin of Mr and Mrs George Waddell enlisted in the Air Corps Reserve and may not be called to active duty until he completes his studies in authentic ugg boots wholesale Grove City college cheap ugg boots next spring Miss Dorothy Mclntyre R N came home from Greenville hospital Thurs day to visit Mr and Mrs Arthur Mclntyre and returned Friday Mr and Mrs Harry Nelson received word of the dan uggla death of a cousin Jerry Carson of Oil City and will attend funeral services in St Stevens church there Saturday morning Miss Eleanor Korb and Miss Joan Nelson went to Buffalo Thursday eve ning to visit Miss Ruth Korb They will visit Niagara Falls and in Canada before returning home Sunday evening Mrs R K Martin dan uggla 2012 highlights and dan uggla 2012 highlights sons spent Thursday dan uggla poster in Tidioute with Mrs Mar tins parents Mr and Mrs G A Le vinc THE TITUSVILLE PA HERALD Mr and Mrs Walter Hart and daughters Patty and Sandra Sue of Duke Center will spend the weekend here with Mrs Harts parents Mr and Mrs John The official board of the U B which will meet Monday night at 8 oclock Officers will be elected The Young Peoples Council will meet Tuesday evening August 11 in stead of next Tuesday A picnic sup per will be held at the home of Miss Clara Monroe The Missionary Alliance prayer meet ing will be held at the Harry Vail home in Pineville Monday at p m The meeting of Seneca black uggs for men Lodge I O O r was an interesting cheap uggs boots on sale meeting of the regular business session and games Thursday night The members look forward with great interest to the next meeting Thursday night August 6 for after the regular session there will be games and the supper commit tee will serve a light lunch Everybody knows what.